Lake Benton Public School

Mrs. Carpenter's 4th Grade Class

Will one of my students become the next U.S. President or Picasso? Only time will tell, but whatever the future holds for my students, my goal is they look back on their time in my classroom and remember the inspiration and support they received from me.

Achievement is defined as a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill. Achievement is seen from a variety of perspectives in my classroom. As a licensed Minnesota teacher, achievement on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments plays an active role in my instruction and the achievement growth of my students, but WE WORK AS A TEAM!  Students are engaged participants in the mastery of their state standards and together we strive to build knowledge. Students understand meeting these learning objectives is a year-long journey, not a stopping point, so while mastery of the standard is what we are striving for, we may each get there at a different time and by a different route. Each step of the way, we celebrate our individual academic growth and our growth as a class. Students also understand a score on a test does not define them.  Our classroom is about recognizing the whole student and all of their talents.

Successful growth in character plays a vital role in the achievement of my students.  Each week, we take time to acknowledge the pride, respect, and responsibility being demonstrated by students in and out of the classroom, and we celebrate these positives together. Academic achievement is an important part of the education process, but love in one’s self and the belief  you can achieve your goals is what allows students to attain success. Once again, like mastery of standards, character building is a journey in my classroom. We learn from others and our own mistakes, even my teacher mistakes. Mistakes become lessons. There are so many unique and special personalities which make up a classroom learning environment. I know by connecting with each of these personalities, student growth and achievement will happen.


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