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Bobcat Brief

May 24, 2018

Playground Update

Our ground cover arrived yesterday and by the end of the day today our playground should be open for fun. We still need to replace the balance beam and purchase picnic tables and a tree or three but the main effort is wrapping up. Remember, as you accompany your children to the playground, to read the safety rules that will help keep our children Band-Aid free. Remember those who gave so generously to our playground fund drive. Remember to have fun!

Be safe,





Bobcat Brief

May 22, 2018

News Flash!!

Summer is here! Forget about the newborn goslings, the dandelions, the grass heavy with dew or the SPF 130 (I have very delicate skin), the snow blower came off our tractor today and the mower deck is going on. A very special thankyou to Steve for making summer happen.

 Enjoy the long days and short nights, enjoy the smell of newly cut grass and enjoy this summer season. On a sort-of, related note the cover for our new playground should be arriving soon and we should then be open for play.

Be well,




Bobcat Brief

April 23, 2018

Calendar Reminders

  • May 3: Spring Concert at 7:00
  • May 14: Field day from 12:30-2:45
  • May 16: Kindergarten graduation at 9:00AM
  • May 16: Sixth grade graduation at 1:30PM
  • May 17: Last day of school for students, 1:00 dismissal
  • May 18: Teacher in-service
  • May 21: Grades mailed home
  • August 21: Back-to-School open house with students and parents from 5:30-7:30
  • August 23: First day of school for students
  • Dale


Bobcat Brief

March 27, 2018

Snow Day Make-up and Other Reminders

  • We will make up yesterday’s snow-day on Wednesday May 16th. Should we have more days where we are out of school the whole day because of weather, we will make-up those days on May 17th, 18th and so on. If we are still in school on June 15th, we had a tough winterJ
  • We have an early out tomorrow, March 28th at 1:00 for the start of our Spring Break.
  • We are not in school March 29-April 1.
  • We are back in school Monday April 2, 2018. This is a make-up date for our March 6, 2018 snow-day.
    • Dale



Bobcat Brief

March 16, 2018

Math Night Recap and Congrats to RTR

Thank you to the LBVE, our parents and of course our students! Math night did exactly what it was intended to do, and that is, allow students to apply math skills in fun and interesting ways. Well done LBVE!

Congratulations to the RTR boys’ basketball team on your ticket to state. March Madness takes on a whole new level of excitement when our neighbor to the east powers its way to the Minnesota State High School League Tournament. We wish you the best!

math night

Probability in action


Bobcat Brief

March 15, 2018

Math Night Fun, Tonight!

Join us tonight from 6:30 to 7:30 for fun with a focus on math. Our students will be working with The Standard Model, a theory from the 1970’s of fundamental particles and how they interact. Or… they may just have fun messing with math. We thank the LBVE for sponsoring this event and for recognizing the importance of math in our world.

Standard Model



Bobcat Brief

March 13, 2018

Help Me!

And this is why I should never be left alone in the office. Kylie, please come back!


Office Staff


Bobcat Brief

March 12, 2018

Standards Based Reporting at Lake Benton Public School: Part 2 of a 287 part series

Vocabulary: Words Matter

The language of education much like the language of love can be confusing, so this brief seeks to clarify terms describing Standards Based Reporting. Quick examples of my confusion with language as it relates to love.

  • Statement: “I met my current wife almost 40 years ago while a student at Mankato State University”.
    • Confusion: When making that statement at a gathering with friends my wife infers a marriage that is only temporary, one that is subject to change.
    • Clarification: We have been married for 37+ years and I am planning on 37 more to come. I used the word “current” because I am married to Lise’ right now, currently.
  • Statement: “I feel as though you don’t respect my need for cleanliness when you debone a deer’s quarter on “our” kitchen counter.
    • Confusion: I honestly thought that the kitchen counter was really ours.   
    • Clarification: Technically/legally, the counter is “ours” but that does not give me/Dale permission to bring parts of a deer/elk/antelope/fish/muskrat/whatever into “our” kitchen. Note: I am not sure what I was thinking.

SBR Vocabulary

  • Standard: “ describe precisely what students know and can do as a result of their experiences in school”(Guskey&Bailey)
    • An example of a first grade ELA standard
      • Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
  • ELA: English Language Arts Standards
    • The Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in English Language Arts, which include reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, media literacy, and language standards, were revised in 2010 and were to be implemented by the 2012-2013 school year.
      • The Standards Committee consisted of 28 members representing K-12 teachers and administrators, higher education instructors, parents and content specialists.



Bobcat Brief

March 9, 2018

Jump Rope For Heart Kickoff

Today Lake Benton Public School kicked off Jump Rope for Heart. Letters will be going home to parents this afternoon. The American Heart Association describes this activity in the following statement.

Through Jump Rope For Heart kids learn jump rope skills, how their heart works and raise money to help kids with special hearts. Have fun, learn how to stay healthy and make a difference in the lives of others!

Physical Education teacher Brain Malady leads our school’s efforts in this activity. Jump Rope For Heart runs for two weeks. Thank you for your help in this worthwhile cause!

Jump rope


Bobcat Brief

March 7, 2018



  • March 7: Third Quarter ends
  • March 9: 9:00 AM  Jump Rope for Heart in our gym
  • March 12: Grades/Reports go home with students
  • March 14: Bowling in Brookings for K-3 grades
  • March 14: Math night at Lake Benton School
  • March 21: School Board Meeting at 6:00
  • March 28: 1:00 dismissal for start of Spring Break
  • March 29-April 1: Spring Break
  • April 2: School in session ( make up for March 6th snow day)
  • April 12: 12:30 dismissal for students (Teacher Development)
  • April 13: Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) program  from 1:30 – 2:30
  • April 17: First day of MCA testing



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